General News | 10X S&P South Africa Top50 Index Exchange Traded Fund
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General News | 10X S&P South Africa Top50 Index Exchange Traded Fund
How Professional Investors Blend Beta
We spoke to a few of our most savvy investors to find out exactly how and why they use passive strategies in their portfolios.
General News | 10X S&P South Africa Top50 Index Exchange Traded Fund
Webinar: Indexation in the South African market
Zack Bezuidenhoudt (Head of Client Coverage, South Africa and Sub-Saharan Africa at S&J Dow Jones Indices) covers an introduction to indexation in the SA market and unpacks what core equity allocations really mean in SA compared to offshore markets.
General News | 10X Stable Income Fund
Minimizing the Moving Parts Through Indexing
Gareth Stobie, MD at CoreShares presents the rationale for developing the CoreShares Stable Income Fund as a solution to the retirement problem facing many South Africans.
Performance Metrics
ETF and Unit Trust Performance Data, 31 January 2020
The CoreShares ETFs’ and Unit Trusts’ performance as at 31 January 2020, based on Net Asset Values (NAV) with distributions reinvested. Returns greater than 1 year are annualised. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Data source is Morningstar.
Fund Updates | 10X S&P South Africa Top50 Index Exchange Traded Fund
The S&P South Africa 50: Bringing Efficiency and Diversification to the South...
The S&P South Africa 50 represents the South African equity market by selecting 50 of the largest companies listed on the Johannesburg Stock Exchange, including both South African and foreign-domiciled firms. To reduce risk from large exposures, no company can account for more than 10% of the index weight at each rebalance.
Performance Metrics
ETF and Unit Trust Performance Data, 31 December 2019
The CoreShares ETFs’ and Unit Trusts’ performance as at 31 December 2019, based on Net Asset Values (NAV) with distributions reinvested. Returns greater than 1 year are annualised. Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Data source is Morningstar.
Performance Metrics