Education | 10X S&P 500 Exchange Traded Fund | 10X S&P Global Dividend Aristocrats Exchange Traded Fund | 10X S&P Global Property Exchange Traded Fund
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General News | 10X S&P 500 Exchange Traded Fund | 10X S&P Global Dividend Aristocrats Exchange Traded Fund | 10X S&P Global Property Exchange Traded Fund | 10X Total World Stock Tracker Feeder Fund | CoreShares MSCI ACWI Fund of Funds
Global Equities – the investment opportunity most investors are missing
A sensible approach to investing means incorporating both local and international assets into one’s portfolio, and it is vital to successful long-term investing. Fortunately, over the past few decades, (financial) technology has improved our access to offshore investments. This allows us, as everyday South Africans, to take advantage of...
Education | 10X S&P 500 Exchange Traded Fund
Understanding the CoreShares S&P 500 ETF
For investors in a market with only 153 listed companies, access to an index tracker that gives one instant access to 500 companies is a boon indeed. When that tracker costs only 0.39% of your investment—as the CoreShares S&P 500 (share code: CSP500) does—all the better.
General News | 10X S&P 500 Exchange Traded Fund | 10X S&P Global Property Exchange Traded Fund
Coreshares S&P 500 and Global Property ETF Webinar
Chris Rule, Capital Markets Executive at CoreShares hosts a webinar on the Coreshares S&P 500 and Global Property ETFs.
General News | 10X S&P 500 Exchange Traded Fund | 10X S&P Global Property Exchange Traded Fund
New International ETFs
While CoreShares is rooted comfortably in the smart beta space, the two newbies are (more or less) weighted by market capitalisation. The Global Property ETF does place a 10% cap on the weighting of each share, which makes a big difference in an index comprising 40 constituents, as opposed to 500.
General News | 10X S&P 500 Exchange Traded Fund