We understand better than others that it is not about rands and cents alone but something far more important: your future. A future where you are free from worry. To do the things you’ve longed to do. To be independent. To be generous. To live your life the way you planned to. Helping investors achieve their future goals is at the heart of what we do.

At 10X we are obsessed with investment performance. Consistent, reliable, repeatable, on-target investment returns for our clients and their clients in turn.

Our investment approach is underpinned by long-term strategic asset allocation, optimising for medium-term asset valuations, and implemented by keeping the core principles of diversification and efficiency front and centre.

We are an independent investment manager, and our over 16-year track record speaks for itself. We manage over R50bn across a range of investment products, servicing South Africans across our Intermediaries, Direct-to-Consumer, and Employee Benefits channels.

Meet the Team

Tobie van Heerden
Anton Eser
Michelle Noth
Prieshka Taylor
Chris Rule
Emelia Maharaj
Chris Eddy
Kelin Pottier
Stuart Wocke
Mandla Hendrick
Caroline Naylor-Renn
01 / 11 Chief Executive Officer Tobie van Heerden
02 / 11 Chief Investment Officer Anton Eser
03 / 11 Head of Financial Intermediaries Michelle Noth
04 / 11 Head of Marketing Prieshka Taylor
05 / 11 Head of Client Solutions Chris Rule
06 / 11 Head of Investment Operations Emelia Maharaj
07 / 11 Head of Multi Asset Funds Chris Eddy
08 / 11 Solutions Strategist Kelin Pottier
09 / 11 Portfolio Manager Stuart Wocke
10 / 11 Head of Compliance Mandla Hendrick
11 / 11 Chief Operation Officer Caroline Naylor-Renn


We’ve come a long way since we launched our 10X umbrella fund in 2008, constantly learning, evolving, and changing to ensure that we build a remarkable investment business. Here are some highlights from the 10X and CoreShares combined journey:
10X launches corporate umbrella retirements funds with the first multi-asset index tracking in SA > R130 million AUM
10X launches retail business >R245 million AUM
Grindrod Bank (CoreShares’ precursor) listed PrefTrax, the first Preference share ETF on the JSE
Name change to CoreShares & Listed S&P SA Top50 ETF
CoreShares listed the first S&P 500 ETF on the JSE
10X launches first unit trusts, AUM now >R9.4 billion AUM
CoreShares launches Multi-Asset funds > R5.8 billion AUM10X launches Multi-Asset funds > R12.4 billion AUM
10X launches MSCI World Index, 10X Money Market, 10X Top 60 > R18.7 billion AUMCoreShares launches Total World fund > R10 billion AUM
10X acquires CoreShares > R50bn AUM