Fund Summary
Download the 10X ETF RangeFund Name | Index / Benchmark | Category | Ticker | Structure | Factsheet(s) | ||||||||
Multi Asset | |||||||||||||
10X Your Future Fund | |||||||||||||
10X Income Fund & AMETF | |||||||||||||
10X Moderate Fund | |||||||||||||
10X Defensive Fund | |||||||||||||
Equity - Global | |||||||||||||
10X Total World Stock Tracker Feeder Fund | |||||||||||||
10X S&P Global Dividend Aristocrats ETF | |||||||||||||
10X S&P 500 ETF | |||||||||||||
10X All Asia AMETF | |||||||||||||
10X MSCI World Index Feeder Fund | |||||||||||||
Equity - Local | |||||||||||||
10X S&P South Africa Top50 Index ETF | |||||||||||||
10X DivTrax ETF | |||||||||||||
10X Scientific Beta Multi Factor Index ETF | |||||||||||||
10X SA Equity Fund | |||||||||||||
Listed Property | |||||||||||||
10X SA Property Index Fund | |||||||||||||
10X S&P Global Property ETF | |||||||||||||
10X South African Property Income ETF | |||||||||||||
Fixed Income | |||||||||||||
10X Income Fund & AMETF | |||||||||||||
10X Wealth GOVI Bond ETF | |||||||||||||
10X Yield Selected Bond Index Fund | |||||||||||||
10X Money Market Fund | |||||||||||||
10X SA Government Bond Index Fund | |||||||||||||
10X SA ILB Index Fund | |||||||||||||
Multi Asset
Build up wealth across a mix of asset classes in anticipation of retirement, as well as investing for income post retirement. Our outcomes-based multi-asset funds are purpose-built with the life stages of a client in mind.
Core 'Bulk Beta' (Core)
Get exposure to simple market cap-weighted indexes both locally and globally at low cost. We’ll match the holdings and returns of major local and global benchmarks and asset classes. Consider these products to construct the core of your core/satellite portfolio.
Earn income from stock dividends by adopting an equity income focused strategy. Our S&P Dividend Aristocrat© range, Yield Selected Bond Fund and preference share product do just that.
Invest in bricks and mortar by tracking local and international listed property indexes.
Get global index exposure without the necessity of physically externalising currency. Invest in major global benchmarks.
Smart Beta
Factor investing filters the market to extract shares with certain risk characteristics. This helps to improve diversification as well as the risk/reward trade off. Our flagship “Multi-Factor Strategy” enables one to invest all the factors within one strategy.
Partner Fund Summary
Fund Name | Index / Benchmark | Category | Ticker | Structure | Factsheet(s) | ||||||||
Wealth Global Equity CoreSolutions AMETF | |||||||||||||
10X Wealth Next 40 ETF | |||||||||||||
10X Wealth Top 20 ETF | |||||||||||||