We are proud to offer the most comprehensive ‘all in’ global strategy available in South Africa (both ETF and Unit Trust formats are available). The CoreShares Total World is an efficient investment which spreads your money over 9000 large, medium, and small companies spanning around 50 countries (both developed and their faster growing emerging counterparts). If you want a diversified investment that grows along with all the leading companies around the world, this is where you’ll find it.

The fund is suitable for all investors (whether large or small) looking to make a long-term, global equity investment and diversify outside of South Africa.

The benefits

The CoreShares Total World Stock is a compelling way for South African investors to access global equity exposure for these reasons:

  1. TOTAL exposure – This is one of the most comprehensive global strategies covering most markets within ONE simplified product.
  2. “Real economy” global equity exposure – Emerging Markets (EM) make up over one-third of world GDP and should be represented in a truly global equity investment strategy. EM makes up an important 13% of this fund.
  3. Diversification – This index offers efficient exposure to a broad range of countries, currencies, sectors, and companies around the globe. Investors can access an increased number of shares and better geographic diversification than ever before by investing in this fund.
  4. Avoid the “home bias” – While South Africa makes up just a tiny portion of global markets, most South Africans are overly exposed to the local market and economy and would benefit from a more diversified global investment portfolio.
  5. Exposure to high growth economies – Investors are rewarded when making EM allocations as the returns typically associated with these developing (and statistically riskier) markets leads to better performance over the long term.
  6. Cost – The CoreShares Total World Fund is a cost-effective way to achieve a truly global investment.

Country Composition

Top 10 Holdings

Performance H1 2022

For the first half of 2022 the CoreShares Total World Stock Feeder Funds dropped 18.14%. Over the period the Rand weakened by 2% contributing favourably to the funds’ performance. The net negative return was due to weak underlying global equity performance. Developed Market equities recorded the worst first half perfomrance in over 50 years, returning -18.4% in ZAR and relativie to -15.45% for thier Emerging Markets counterparts. A backdrop of rising interest rates, high inflation, growth concerns and the Russia/Ukraine conflict are the main concerns plaguing investors. Below we look at the sector and share based return attribution.

Sector Level Return Attribution:

Top 3 contribution to return

Sector Average Weight  Return Contribution Absolute return
Energy 3,07% 0,70% 22,79%
Utilities 1,80% -0,05% -2,78%
Consumer Staples 6,27% -0,46% -7,34%

Top 3 return detraction:

Sector Average Weight  Return Contribution Absolute return
Information Technology 23,62% -6,56% -27,77%
Consumer Discretionary 12,50% -3,41% -27,28%
Communication Services 9,07% -2,24% -24,70%

Source: CoreShares Investment Managers, Bloomberg LLC, Morningstar. All returns are in USD for the year ended 30 June 2022. Past Performance is not indicative of future performance.

Share Level Return Attribution:

Top 5 contribution to return

Average Weight Contribution to Return (%) Total Return (%)
EXXON MOBIL CORP 0,50% 0,16% 45,85%
CHEVRON CORP 0,41% 0,08% 27,64%
ELI LILLY & CO 0,40% 0,07% 19,08%
BRISTOL-MYERS SQUIBB CO 0,25% 0.6% 29,26%
ABBVIE INC 0.42% 0.6% 16,40%

Top 5 return detraction:

Average Weight Contribution to Return (%) Total Return (%)
APPLE INC 4,06% -0,78% -18,69%
AMAZON.COM INC 1,93% -0,77% -35,66%
MICROSOFT CORP 3,32% -0,64% -19,79%
META PLATFORMS INC-CLASS A 0,90% -0,60% -51,51%
NVIDIA CORP 0,86% -0,48% -45,67%

Source: CoreShares Investment Managers, Bloomberg LLC, Morningstar. All returns are in USD for the year ended 30 June 2022. Past Performance is not indicative of future performance.

Visit the fund page for more information.

Watch an on-demand webinar (unpacking the use case of a “core” global equity allocation) and learn more.

Find out how to invest here.

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