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What the active-versus-passive debate tends to miss
Last week, two articles published on Citywire revived the passive-versus-active debate, which all too often misses the point.
Education | 10X Stable Income Fund | 10X Wealth Accumulation Fund
The benefits of index investing within multi-asset funds
Watch this panel with Gareth Stobie to see how you can bring more certainty to financial planning by minimising the moving parts and using evidence-based investing principles to meet your client’s investment goals mechanically, with greater certainty.
General News | CoreShares Preftrax
Tax Efficient Income
Investors have had a love-hate relationship with the listed preference share market since the asset class first emerged in the mid-2000s. Initially the preference share market traded at an attractive premium to listing prices, however, this was followed by a downward trend towards their current, deeply discounted level.
General News | 10X Stable Income Fund
Minimizing the Moving Parts Through Indexing
Gareth Stobie, MD at CoreShares presents the rationale for developing the CoreShares Stable Income Fund as a solution to the retirement problem facing many South Africans.
General News | 10X S&P South Africa Top50 Index Exchange Traded Fund
What’s all the hype: CoreShares Top50 ETF
The CoreShares team delivers a webinar about the CoreShares Top50 ETF, which contains the top 50 listed companies on the JSE.
General News | CoreShares MSCI ACWI Fund of Funds
Holding more of the ‘real’ global economy
For those who have been focusing on MSCI World for your global equity exposure, this one is for you. The MSCI World Index focuses on developed markets – 23 countries. However, as you may know, it does not include emerging markets. Given that emerging markets represent over 42% of world GDP* it is...
General News | 10X Scientific Beta Multi Factor Index Exchange Traded Fund