Fund Summary

The investment objective of the Wealth Global Equity CoreSolutions AMETF is to deliver long term capital growth by investing in global equities. The portfolio may invest in listed shares, collective investments schemes in securities, financial instruments and assets in liquid form. The Wealth Global Equity CS AMETF (“Fund”) is an Actively Managed Exchange Traded Fund and shall be classified as a Global – Equity – General portfolio.

Benefits to Investors

Offshore Exposure

Access to a select group of global leading companies and investment themes backed by research.


One instrument provides access to multiple shares across markets and regions.

Rand Hedge

AMETF provides exposure to a broad basket of offshore shares in their respective local currencies and thereby provides a rand hedge diversification benefit

ETF Details

Share code PCWGE
Market maker Jane Street

General Fund Details

Classification Global - Equity - General
Benchmark MSCI World
Distribution dates June, December
Asset manager 10X Fund Managers (RF) (Pty) Ltd
Trustee FirstRand Bank Limited
Auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers Incorporated
Risk profile Aggressive (5/5)

ETF Fund Holdings (daily)

ETF Fund Holdings (month-end)