Fund Summary

The 10X Moderate Fund is suitable for investors seeking capital growth with a lower level of volatility than a high equity portfolio over the medium to long-term.This will be achieved with cost-effective exposure to a range of local and international asset classes. The portfolio has a higher allocation to growth assets (shares and property) than to defensive assets (bonds and cash). The recommended time horizon is 3 years and longer as returns may be volatileover the short term.

Benefits to Investors


Diversified across multiple asset classes

Offshore Exposure

The fund is invested across multiple global markets through equity, property and bond allocations

Unit Trust Details

Current price / NAV
Fund size R 3 058 380 316.94

General Fund Details

Classification South African - Multi-Asset - Medium Equity
Benchmark ASISA South African - Multi-Asset - Medium Equity Category (return target CPI+4.5%)
Distribution dates June, December
Asset manager 10X Investments (Pty) Ltd
Trustee FirstRand Bank Limited
Auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers Incorporated
Risk profile Moderate to Aggressive (4/5)