Fund Summary

The 10X Defensive Fund is suitable for investors seeking a steady level of income together with capital growth at low volatility over the medium term that is achieved with cost-effective exposure to a range of local and international asset classes. The portfolio has a higher allocation to defensive assets (bonds and cash) than to growth assets(shares and property). The recommended time horizon is 1-3 years and longer as returns may be volatile over periods shorter than 1 year.

Benefits to Investors


Diversified across multiple asset classes

Offshore Exposure

The fund is invested across multiple global markets through equity, property and bond allocations

Unit Trust Details

Current price / NAV
Fund size R 1 621 365 389.51

General Fund Details

Classification South African - Multi-Asset - Low Equity
Benchmark ASISA South African - Multi-Asset - Low Equity Category (return target CPI+3.5%)
Distribution dates March, June, September, December
Asset manager 10X Investments (Pty) Ltd
Trustee FirstRand Bank Limited
Auditor PricewaterhouseCoopers Incorporated
Risk profile Conservative (2/5)